et-Togethers (the 2nd Saturday of the even months:- February, April (unless Easter then the 1st Saturday), June, August, October, December). All the following Get-Togethers will be held at The Women’s College, College Road, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane. Free parking available. Other transport options on the Meetings are followed by delicious and extensive buffet meals ($22). RSVP 8 days beforehand essential for catering purposes. At each Get-Together, a member will show photos or a Power Point presentation about a recent holiday on a large screen. Other members may talk briefly about their holidays.
Coffee and Lunch Days are held on the 4th Saturday of the odd months (January, March, May, July, September, November) Meet between 11.00 & 11.30 am (no later) at the Collector’s Café (on the whale tunnel) at the Musem at South Bank. Possible films, exhibitions or events are decided on – sometimes everyone goes to the same one, sometimes, 2 or even 3 different ones may be seen or attended. This/these can be preceded or followed by a snack or a meal together – depending on the times of the chosen films. No need to RSVP – just turn up before 11.30 am
Book Groups There are two (2) SEQld Book Groups: Book Group 1 and Women of Words
Meetings for both Groups: * 12.30 pm on the 2nd Saturdays of the odd months. These are held in members’ homes. Read more about the Book groups
The Events Convener and other members organise a number of local activities which include:
* Ballet
* Opera
* Theatre
* Picnics
* Lunches and Dinners
* Joing together to entertain 5W visitors
* Weekend holidays
Gatherings Members from around the world organise Gatherings which may be just one day or may be a few days or even weeks. Events arranged by groups of members in their home town for other members who may come from nearby or from anywhere in the world. Programs include visits to places of interest, special projects, theatres, museums, walks – but always time for talking, sharing meals and just being together. Attending a Gathering is a good way for new members to learn about the spirit of 5W and for longer-standing members to meet up again with old friends. Read more