To join the SEQld Group and begin to experience the wonderful world of 5W:
* Come along to one or two meetings to find out more about the Group and 5W
* Go straight to the international 5W website to join online
* Download, print and post this application form Application Form
Women Welcome Women World Wide has so much to offer:
Travel to far-flung places or enjoy having guests in your home. Make new friends in foreign lands or just around the corner. Travelling with 5W is a safer way. Imagine having a network of friends wherever you go – having another woman to meet you at the airport when you arrive in a new country, for example, is reassuring in a land far from home.
Any woman can become a member, regardless of nationality, religion or home circumstances and members are of all backgrounds and ages, from all around the world.
At a recent count, there were 2360 members in 87 countries. Click here to see where they are.
There are also local groups in many countries. Click here to see a list of the 5W groups.